Still working on this slowly at the moment, other things have had to take priority. Only a temporary set back though.
Have been building up the balanced input ADC boards I received when I found I have run out of 10k MELF0204 resistors, I also do not need to order anything else at the moment, which makes a £3 order from farnell a little pointless (and the shipping would cost more!) I am working on some new ideas now. Looking to make the "boards" more obvious and user friendly with documentation (and simple things like catchy names, hardware tweaks to interfaces/layouts and so on). Working on a new micro-controller board, packed with features, which could be quite flexible/powerful. Would like to get a better website up as well, as we head into autumn/winter the darker evenings will end up being the time for this.
Paul JanickiAn electronics engineer and a long term electronics hobbyist. I like tinkering with stuff and making things. Archives
July 2022
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