All files and information here is offered as a "good will" gesture. I make no claim it is factually accurate or fit for purpose.
All hardware designs, supporting files and other relevant information here are released under the TAPR Open Hardware License.
If any software is ever added this may be under another compatible license agreement designed for software.
All original design work is Copyright Paul Janicki 2017 to 2019.
All documentation, designs, information and any other files hosted here or any linked repositories or websites are distributed WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Users of any designs, software, hardware or anything else hosted here must ensure full compliance with all local regulations. All designs and hardware offered here are done so for laboratory and experimental use only. Any use beyond this such as commercial or retail products must comply with local regulations for the intended area/country of use and is up to the designer of these products to ensure full compliance. Failure to comply with local regulations may be illegal and result in prosecution.